How Google Automatically Predicts what we want to search

Have you ever followed up while you search anything in the Google Search Bar, it automatically recommends the query you want to search for. Well that queries are basically keywords that are a key in search engine optimization.

Now, most of you know that Google is basically a search engine that lists websites and most importantly the search queries. When we search a query or you can say a keyword in Google, the search engine recommends us a set of websites to help us explore our answer. In some cases, Google directly prompts us the answer, however, in other cases we have to explore the same.

Back in 2004, to make the search engine more convenient and at the same time save Google to process some additional query, Google launched the Autocomplete feature. Actually, Google Autocomplete feature was created by a guy named Kevin Gibbs on a bus.

Google’s Autocomplete Feature is the real magic How Google Knows what we want to search for? However, it takes help from other Google services to know the same. For example, I think many of you know that once you create a Google Account, everything you search on Google is stored in its web history (if while searching, you signed on to the service). You can let Google access this web history so that as Google said, they use it to give you faster searches, better recommendations, and other personalized experiences in Maps, Search and other Google Services. You can manage this Google Web History from here. From manage I mean, from the same section, you can let Google access your web history. In the same section, you also get access to auto delete this web history for after every 3 month, 13 month and 36 month respectively.

This web history helps Google a lot to recommend users what they want to search for taking account of so many other factors. For example, what is trending relevant to the search query user pasted in Google, the language of the search query, the location from where the query has been searched and so on.

So, next time you search anything on Google and if it recommends you the exact query you want to search for even before you typed the same on the search engine, remember Google Autocomplete is behind all of that. I think I have cleared a lot about How Google automatically predicts what we want to search for? However, if you are not able to understand or stuck or raise a query or share any thoughts, be my guest to comment in the comment section down below.

An accomplished Search Engine Marketer with a strong passion for the digital landscape. He crafts insightful content on technology and innovation, empowering audiences while fostering meaningful engagement...

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