Movies Election Commission Bans during Lok Sabha Election 2019
Movies Election Commission Bans during Lok Sabha Election 2019

Lok Sabha Election 2019 is currently going on. At the time of writing this article, Four of its phases are already over whereas three are now remaining. Every year we see many political candidates violating the code of conduct. Interestingly, this year Film Makers also following the same trend. Violating Code of Conduct provoke Election commission to take necessary action. And here, we gonna talk about Movies Election Commission bans during Lok Sabha Election 2019 when violating code of conduct.

Releasing a movie to fulfill the agenda of a political party or a politician while elections are going on is absolutely a serious concern. This will not just deviate the election rules but also have serious impact on the innocent public.

Let me explain you with an example. Suppose you belong to a political party A, and you have a contact with a filmmaker. Now, you ask the film maker to create a movie that will positively advert your image in the movie. Now when viewer watch it they have you positive image in their mind because of the movie. Think about the rule election commission has made towards the expenditure of a candidate in an election.

In India, This year Election commission set a rule saying a political candidate can spend in between Rs. 30 to Rs. 70 lakh for advertisements during lok sabha election. Well, the amount varies in that limit according to the region candidate belongs to. All such rules are fall under Model code of Conduct. Now, Releasing a movie to fulfill a political agenda is violating this rule. Therefore, In this period Election Commission monitor such movies and will ban if find violating the model code of conduct.

Okay, let’s find out all those movies EC bans to release during Lok Sabha Election 2019.

List of Movies Election Commission Bans during Lok Sabha Election 2019

PM Narendra Modi

As you can understand from the title of this Biopic, why EC put bans on it. Starring Vivek Oberoi who play the character of PM Modi is a biopic the depicts the life of current Prime Minister of India. The movie scheduled to release on April 13, 2019 but congress activist file a plea about it requesting the apex court to put hold on the release of this movie till the completion of Lok Sabha Election 2019. He allegate the movie is violating the code of conduct by influencing and manipulating the voters. The result is election commission put hold on its release till the completion of lok sabha election 2019.

Lakshmi’s NTR

The second movie Election commission put hold to release till the completion of Lok Sabha election 2019 is Lakshmi’s NTR. The movie again a biopic depicting the life of Actor and Former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh N T Rama Rao. Today this movie was scheduled to release but EC now put hold on its release till further instructions.

Modi Journey of a Common Man

Well, this is not a movie but a 10 episode Eros Now Web Series again showing the life of PM Modi from his childhood day to Political Career. In the earlier week of April Election commission ordered Eros Now to remove all the contents about this web series from their Platform until further order.

From When does this trend start this year?

One thing you might be thinking when does this trend starts this year. Well, if you remember earlier this year more specifically on January 11, The Accidental Prime Minister was released. The movie depicts primarily the role of former Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh. Also showing how much control Former PM Manmohan Singh have over his cabinet. Different characters also plays the role of Sonia Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, Lalu Prasad Yadav, LK Advani and more.

Well, this is the first Politically themed movie released this year. After that we see the above mentioned three which EC now hold to release till completion of Lok Sabha Election 2019.

A tech enthusiast passionate about simplifying life through technology. A foodie at heart, who also enjoys crafting websites and optimizing content for search engine rankings. Dedicated to spreading positivity...

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