Soon RBI issue new Rs 100 note in Lavender Color in India 2018. On Thursday, the RBI introduced a new note of Rs 100. RBI said that the old notes of Rs 100 will also be legal tenders. On the back of this new note of 100 rupees, you will get a picture of Rani Ki Vav. It is a stepwell which is present in Patan Town of Gujarat.
Soon RBI Issue New Rs 100 Note in Lavender Color
The theme color of this new 100 rupee note is lavender and in this note, you will find many different Geometric patterns. If we compare this new note of 100 rupees with the old one, then the new note is a little shorter. The dimension of the new note is 66mm * 142mm whereas the old note dimension is 73mm * 157mm.
On this new note issued by RBI, you will get the signature of Governor Urjit Patel. Whenever RBI issues a new note, it takes some time to come to market due to several machine upgradations. However, once the notes come into the market, it circulates rapidly.
Previous Year, RBI introduced two new notes which include Rs 50 and Rs 200. Moreover, This Year till now RBI introduces two new notes which include Rs 10 and now Rs 100. However, all the old versions of these new notes we mention are also a legal tender according to the Government officials.
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