Today, CBSE has started the marks verfication process of Class 12th 2020 exam papers. The last date to apply for the marks verfication is July 24, 2020 till 5pm. The marks verification application fee per subject is Rs. 500. A student can apply for the marks verification for one or more subjects which he/she has to decide in advance.
One can apply for the marks verification via the CBSE official website at
Apart from verification of marks, CBSE also going to accept the request for obtaining Photocopy of the Evaluated Answer books and Re-evaluation of those answer books from August 6 to August 7. The fee to obtain the photocopy of Evaluated Answer books is Rs. 700 and for re-evaluation of those answer books is Rs. 100 per subject.
The result of verification of marks will be uploaded on CBSE’s website. In case of change in marks, a letter will also be sent to the applicant by Speed Post/email by concerned regional office of CBSE. Candidates can check the status of their verification request on CBSE’s website.
In case of the re-evaluation of answer books, The applicant will have to refer to the marking scheme in the subject concerned that would be available on the website alongwith the question paper. Thereafter the candidate can submit the application for re-evaluation in the required questions with reasoning. The status of the re-evaluation of the answer books will be uploaded on CBSE website plus the authority will also send a formal letter by speed post/e-mail.