CBSE Know Your Aptitude Exam registration starts from January 29, 2019. CBSE introduce about this exam via a latest notice post on their website. Schools that are affiliated to CBSE shortly provided with a link that explains how to conduct this exam on there school. However, CBSE also says, it is not mandatory for schools to conduct this exam. CBSE KYA exam is for Class 9th and 10th students only.
In collaboration with NCERT who prepares this exam papers CBSE looks forward to release this exam. Note that this exam will help Students, Teachers and Guardians to evaluate in which field a Student should built career later on. This is because, after completion of 10th board, students have to decide about 12th board. Moreover, from here they choose their streams later on which they build there career.
So, it is necessary from to initially evaluate in which subjects or field they are strong or are interested. Therefore, this exam prove to be a savior here.
Now, Students who wants to appear for this examination must have a school log-in id. So, a school must register at first so that their students avail benefits from this exam.
So, if you’re a CBSE student or Teacher, you can ask your school’s higher authority to bring this exam on their campus too.
Read also: CBSE Conducts Two Level of Math Exam For Class 10 From Year 2020