Today is January 25, In India this day is celebrated as National Voter’s Day, therefore, on this occasion, Facebook Asks user to register their name on Electoral Roll. See the below below screenshot which I have taken to show you how it looks.
Now in the screenshot, you can see their are two text. The first one is Register Now and the other is Share You’re Registered. Both of these texts are actually links which lead you to different locations.
If you click on the Register Now link, Facebook leads you to National Voter Service Portal of India. More specifically to the Form 6 which is used to register new voters in India.
Moreover, the other link Share You’re registered leads you not outside of Facebook, but to Facebook’s new status writing panel.
Note that Soon Lok Sabha elections in India is going to be started. Therefore, if you are an adult one and wants to cast your vote in India. You should register your name to the electoral roll.
Read also: How to Cast Vote Via EVM-VVPAT Machine?