Seeing the second wave of COVID-19 in the country, while many state boards have already cancelled the examination, today CBSE released a notification about cancelling this year’s 10th board examination and postponing the 12th board examination.
The board examination for both these classes was already postponed back in february and the exam was scheduled to be conducted from May 4 but seeing the second wave of more fatal COVID-19, the board has decided to cancel and postpone the examination for both these classes.
CBSE said they are now going to evaluate the 10th board students based on the marks they will get on the Objective Criterion which is being developed by CBSE. However, the students will not be satisfied by the marks they get on the Objective Criterion then, they will be given the opportunity to sit in the 10th board exam that will be conducted when COVID situation becomes normal in the country.
Taking about the 12th board students, their board examination might be conducted after June 15 as CBSE has said that they are going to review the COVID situation in the country on June 1, 2021 and will at least give the students 15 days in advance before releasing the datesheet.
Below is the screenshot of the exam cancellation and postponment notification that has been released by the CBSE.
Seeing the rising cases of COVID in our country, from past few weeks board students were on twitter and to campaign the cancellation and postponment of board exam.
Now, as CBSE has cancelled and postponed the board examination, students have a mixed reaction about the same decision. Some students says, CBSE should not have cancel the 10th board examination instead should have postpone the examination just like they do for 12th board students. Other students says, we are happy to hear that CBSE has cancelled the examination as the second wave of COVID is more fatal in compare to the first one.
Anyways CBSE has given both the options for 10th board students, if any student want to appear for an offline exam then they can do so as CBSE said they will conduct the offline exam even for 10th board when situation become normal.
Now, it will be interesting to see when CBSE will conduct the 12th board examination. However, if you ask me then after reading the statement in the notification above, I believe, CBSE will might conduct the 12th board examination atleast after June 15. What do you think? Do let me know in the comments down below.