JEE Mains Jee Advanced 2020 Exams Postponed
JEE Mains Jee Advanced 2020 Exams Postponed

The Corona outbreak in our country has led many exams to be posponed and the latest one is JEE Mains and JEE Advanced that is said to be to postponed until last week of May this year.

The JEE Mains exam was scheduled to be conducted in between April 5 to April 11 this year while the JEE Advanced exam was scheduled to be conducted on May 17, 2020. Now, due to Corona outbreak in our country, IIT Delhi, the organizing institute for JEE yesterday announced on their official site about the postpone of both of these examination. On the other side, NTA also has wrote something similiar on their site.

What IIT Delhi says about Cancelling JEE Exams?

Yesterday, IIT Delhi posted a notice that one can locate right now in front when open the official site. In the same notice IIT Delhi wrote what I have mentioned below.

Notice to Candidates :
JEE (Main) 2020 April Examination has been postponed due to COVID-19 outbreak. JEE (Advanced) 2020, which was scheduled to be held on Sunday, May 17, 2020, thus stands postponed and will be rescheduled after JEE (Main) 2020.

[ Posted on 1st April, 2020 ]

What NTA says about postponing the JEE Mains April 2020 Exam?

NTA issued a public notice date 31-03-2020 announced the postponement of JEE Main April 2020 Exam. NTA says the JEE Main April 2020 exam that was scheduled on the 5th, 7th to 9th and 11th April 2020 has been postponed and as of now the examination is proposed to be held in the last week of May this year. The exact date of the examination will be announced after assessing the situation in the coming weeks. Accordingly, the Admit Cards for the examination will now be issued after 15th April 2020 based on the situation at that time.

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A tech enthusiast passionate about simplifying life through technology. A foodie at heart, who also enjoys crafting websites and optimizing content for search engine rankings. Dedicated to spreading positivity...

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