List of Top 5 Cities in India with Maximum Elder Abuse
List of Top 5 Cities in India with Maximum Elder Abuse

Today Help Age India has present a report which contains the List of Top 5 Cities in India with Maximum Elder Abuse. Moreover, this report shows the study of 23 cities across India. However, Here we list out only those top 5 cities in which Elder abuse reach an abnormal extent. Meanwhile, we totally surprised by the report because at these top 5 positions are occupied by popular cities of India.

The report by Help age India clarifies that in most cases the responsible persons is either Sons or Daughter in Law of the family. After taking the statistics into consideration the firm also pops a helpline number for elders where can report about such scenario if they face it. Moreover, the firm also reports that in 82% of cases elders are frightened of the responsible person. Therefore, they won’t file a report about such situation to the respective officials.

Okay, let’s give you the List of Top 5 Cities in India with Maximum Elder Abuse rate. Do let us know your opinion in the comment section below.

List of List of Top 5 Cities in India with Maximum Elder Abuse: Info

  1. In this list, Mangalore occupies the Top position.
  2. However, the second position is grabbed by Ahmedabad.
  3. At Third Bhopal is present.
  4. Moreover, Amritsar Occupies the 4th Position.
  5. Finally, Why Delhi leaves Behind, Delhi grabs the 5th Position.

Our Message

If you are such abuser in your family, just take a deep breathe and form an image of your parents in your mind. Just think about it how they feed when you abuse them. Moreover, also think how they care for you when you were helpless in your childhood. Of course, you shit an unusual comment that it was their responsibility. Well, it is now yours. Please care your elders and family members as they are dependent on you on their last phase of life. Don’t ruin this.

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