On Sunday, via his official Twitter handle Irrfan Khan announced the Digital Premiere of Angrezi Medium on Disney+ Hotstar. Sharing the link of the same movie, he said Angrezi Medium is now available digitally on Disney+ Hotstar and a user can access it both on Disney+ Hotstar VIP and Premium subscription.
The movie was released on Theatres on March 13 and the same day it made only Rs. 4.03 crore at Box Office that is not to its fullest as per different film critic. The reason is the closure of so many theatres in several states in India.
About this movie, it is the sequel of its 2017 released movie called Hindi Medium starring Irrfan Khan in the lead role. In Angrezi Medium, with Irrfan Khan in lead, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Radhika Madaan and Deepak Dobriyal are also featured. In the same tweet, Irrfan also quote about the movie in brief. Irrfan writes, Hop on to the dreamy roller-coaster ride with this father-daughter duo. That line gives some insight about this movie, if you have seen the first chapter. However, to know this movie in detail you can watch it right now on Disney+ Hotstar.
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