Today, Election commission of India has launched the Voter Turnout App in Google Play Store. Right now, this app is in beta version which means there are more features to come. Anyways, if you download and install this app right now from the playstore you could check the percentage of phase wise poll turnout. These phases various in between States, Parliamentary Constituency, and Assembly Constituency.
Below I post you a screenshot that shows you total as well as individual percentage of poll turnout in various states in 2nd Phase of Lok Sabha Election 2019.
Now, in the above screenshot you can see that the total of percentage of polling in 2nd phase of Lok Sabha election 2019 is 69.04%. You can further read the data from the screenshot and will conclude that In Manipur the highest number of polling has been done in the 2nd phase. Similarly, the lowest polling in Jammu & Kashmir.
Well, this is now the official way of Election commission to reveal the polling percentage State wise, Parliament Constituency wise and Assembly Constituency wise.
When you download and install the App and open it for the first time, by default it shows you the poll turnout state wise for the latest election. However, you could even see the poll turn Parliamentary Constituency wise and assembly wise. At the bottom of app screen you will find two buttons. One on the left and other on the right. With these button you can see the polling percentage Parliamentary Constituency wise and assembly wise.
Those of you who would like to give this app a try can download and install it from this link.
Earlier Election commission of India has rolled out an App called cVIGIL to monitor the code of conduct violation during Lok Sabha Election 2019.